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May 4th in 2008
Recently, the old motorcycle magazine emerges to the antiquarian-bookshop.
I attempted to make a tour of the antiquarian-bookshop town mainly in Nagoya.
Then, it decided to attempt to do for the detailed search of them.
Then,..., it was!
The accident but its discovering
It was in page 98 in the number of magazine " I[goC the AUTO-BY " in November, 1962.
It is long a little, but it excerpts and it attempts to quote.
<< The HONDAfS CB is on this CS. The C is the one to have caught c of Cycle. The B is the one to have caught b of Clubman. This is the one which is called so-called Super-Sport type. The engine is based on the standard model, but it is making have the best performance as the change of the compression ratio and the caliber of the carburetor, and so on, and also changes in complete like a style, too.
This CB can be called the all-around car of sports but when thinking as the racer, it can not be called to be full. It is because it is not the car which is thorough to the racer. >>
This has been written at the article, "we asked the manufacturer about the 50 cc of CR110 type ".
<<Therefore, in this time,on " asking to the manufacturer " ,we called on the person concerned in Corporation Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. which made a plan of the 50 cc of CR110 type.
The persons who we interviewed in Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. and the planning section
Harada Yoshiro
The motor design studio
Saito Ototugu
Matsumoto Masao >>
I think this is the origin of the name of CB. How do you think?
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